2005/09/23 00:00:00 00:10:58 Yaduka -> Yad_sleep 00:27:43 CorDull -> CorDiAway 00:33:21 CshopBath -> Catshop 00:55:32 ! CorDiAway ("表と裏、そして表が在る意味を知れ。") 2005/09/23 01:00:00 01:12:49 ! Kyrie ("憧れは夢に焦がれる") 01:57:20 Catshop -> CshopZZZ 01:57:47 ! fukaFuton (Ping timeout) 2005/09/23 02:00:00 02:00:50 + fukaHome(~fukanju@ZN152042.ppp.dion.ne.jp) to #PW 02:01:13 Mode by OTE_Aw: #PW +o fukaHome 02:32:49 fukaHome -> fukaSleep 2005/09/23 03:00:00 2005/09/23 04:00:00 04:12:29 + Kyrie(~chocoa@FLA1Aan173.myg.mesh.ad.jp) to #PW 2005/09/23 05:00:00 2005/09/23 06:00:00 2005/09/23 07:00:00 07:00:03 ! kataribe ("auto down") 07:02:15 + kataribe(~kataribe@sv1.trpg.net) to #PW 07:02:41 Mode by OTE_Aw: #PW +o kataribe 07:06:34 ! Kyrie ("憧れは夢に焦がれる") 2005/09/23 08:00:00 2005/09/23 09:00:00 09:00:00 ! kataribe ("auto down") 09:02:06 + kataribe(~kataribe@sv1.trpg.net) to #PW 09:02:29 Mode by kata_cre: #PW +o kataribe 2005/09/23 10:00:00 10:00:00 [!] auto down 2005/09/23 10:00:01 10:00:01 [!] ./madoka.rc updated 10:00:01 [!] Start: madoka 4.2.10 with perl 5.8.6 10:00:03 [!] server: irc.cre.ne.jp(6667) 10:00:03 plugin new: ./plugin/yuurii/convnick.mpi 10:00:03 plugin new: ./plugin/yuurii/autoans.mpi 10:00:03 plugin new: ./plugin/yuurii/ans_action.mpi 10:00:03 plugin new: ./plugin/yuurii/bot.mpi 10:00:03 plugin new: ./plugin/yuurii/autoaction.mpi 10:00:03 plugin new: ./plugin/yuurii/.botrceuc 10:00:03 plugin new: ./plugin/yuurii/.botrcjis 10:00:03 plugin new: ./plugin/yuurii/dengon.mpi 10:00:32 + kata_cre(~kata@ns.cre.ne.jp) to #PW 10:00:51 Mode by kataribe: #PW +o kata_cre 10:53:02 Yad_sleep -> Yaduka 2005/09/23 11:00:00 2005/09/23 12:00:00 12:12:07 ! PaLiLitH (Ping timeout) 12:35:39 + PaLiLitH(~paladin@ to #PW 12:37:43 Mode by sf: #PW +o PaLiLitH 2005/09/23 13:00:00 2005/09/23 14:00:00 2005/09/23 15:00:00 15:18:45 + MOTOI(~motoi@p2208-ipbf51sasajima.aichi.ocn.ne.jp) to #PW 15:25:57 MOTOI -> MOTOIyasm 15:28:05 Yaduka -> Yad_away 2005/09/23 16:00:00 2005/09/23 17:00:00 17:01:11 fukaSleep -> fukaFuton 2005/09/23 18:00:00 18:16:19 Yad_away -> Yaduka 18:37:51 fukaFuton -> fukaMesi 2005/09/23 19:00:00 19:14:56 fukaMesi -> fukaFuton 19:58:52 Yaduka -> Yad_beer 2005/09/23 20:00:00 20:10:28 MOTOIyasm -> MOTOI 2005/09/23 21:00:00 21:51:21 OTE_Aw -> Ohuro 2005/09/23 22:00:00 22:06:03 Ohuro -> OTE 2005/09/23 23:00:00 23:41:07 OTE -> OTE_Aw 2005/09/24 00:00:00 end