2006/06/29 00:00:00 00:59:10 kurow -> deadkurow 2006/06/29 01:00:00 01:00:57 <#PS:sf> 水の王 http://hiki.kataribe.jp/PS/?MasterOfWaterSymbol 01:01:01 <#PS:sf> http://hiki.kataribe.jp/PS/?MasterOfWaterSymbol_ 01:02:37 <#PS:sf> 符術 http://hiki.kataribe.jp/PS/?SymbolMagic 01:04:37 <#PS:sf> http://hiki.kataribe.jp/PS/?SymbolMagicOfSihahtStyle 01:04:53 <#PS:sf> 符術は作成ずみのであった 01:06:26 <#PS:sf> 呪符 http://hiki.kataribe.jp/PS/?SymbolMagicCards 2006/06/29 02:00:00 2006/06/29 03:00:00 2006/06/29 04:00:00 2006/06/29 05:00:00 2006/06/29 06:00:00 2006/06/29 07:00:00 2006/06/29 08:00:00 08:06:14 ! BallLaway (EOF From client) 2006/06/29 09:00:00 09:00:00 [!] auto down 2006/06/29 09:00:06 09:00:08 [!] ./madoka.rc updated 09:00:08 [!] Start: madoka 4.2.8 with perl 5.6.1 09:00:09 [!] server: irc.trpg.net(6666) 09:00:09 plugin new: ./plugin/yuurii/convnick.mpi 09:00:09 plugin new: ./plugin/yuurii/autoans.mpi 09:00:09 plugin new: ./plugin/yuurii/ans_action.mpi 09:00:09 plugin new: ./plugin/yuurii/dice.mpi 09:00:09 plugin new: ./plugin/yuurii/bot.mpi 09:00:10 plugin new: ./plugin/yuurii/autoaction.mpi 09:00:10 plugin new: ./plugin/yuurii/dice2.mpi 09:00:10 plugin new: ./plugin/yuurii/.botrceuc 09:00:10 plugin new: ./plugin/yuurii/.botrcjis 09:00:10 plugin new: ./plugin/yuurii/dengon.mpi 09:00:21 [!] close server: irc.trpg.net(Too many user connections (local))/5 09:01:40 [!] server: irc.trpg.net(6667) 09:02:12 + kataribe(~kataribe@sv1.trpg.net) to #PS 09:02:34 Mode by kata_cre: #PS +o kataribe 2006/06/29 10:00:00 10:00:01 ! kata_cre ("auto down") 10:00:40 + kata_cre(~kata@ns.cre.ne.jp) to #PS 10:00:51 Mode by kataribe: #PS +o kata_cre 2006/06/29 11:00:00 2006/06/29 12:00:00 12:19:23 <#PS:sf> シャレーン・ユナファ http://hiki.kataribe.jp/PS/?SyarhenYunafa 12:24:01 <#PS:sf> 雷狼 http://hiki.kataribe.jp/PS/?ThunderWolf 12:27:25 <#PS:sf> スラベ http://hiki.kataribe.jp/PS/?Surabe 12:30:12 <#PS:sf> アイナクラム http://hiki.kataribe.jp/PS/?Ainakuram 2006/06/29 13:00:00 2006/06/29 14:00:00 2006/06/29 15:00:00 2006/06/29 16:00:00 2006/06/29 17:00:00 17:38:21 <#PS:sf> ラィシャ・ロティア http://hiki.kataribe.jp/PS/?RaysyaRotya 17:42:32 <#PS:sf> ナシャ・ユリュ http://hiki.kataribe.jp/PS/?NasyaYuryu 17:42:42 <#PS:sf> 10〜 2006/06/29 18:00:00 18:15:46 deadkurow -> kurow 2006/06/29 19:00:00 2006/06/29 20:00:00 20:45:29 ! kurow ("れヴ") 20:49:23 + kurow(~failed@OFSfb-01p1-11.ppp11.odn.ad.jp) to #PS 2006/06/29 21:00:00 2006/06/29 22:00:00 22:42:46 mimimi -> mimigoham 22:47:35 + BallLaway(~ballmk-2@p7123-ipad36hodogaya.kanagawa.ocn.ne.jp) to #PS 2006/06/29 23:00:00 23:27:40 mimigoham -> mimimi 23:30:45 mimimi -> mimidead 2006/06/30 00:00:00 end