2011/12/01 00:00:00 00:00:36 <#kataribe:Toyolina> こんばんは 00:00:39 <#kataribe:Toyolina> きてしまった 00:00:42 <#kataribe:Hisasi> おいすー 00:00:43 <#kataribe:Toyolina> きちゃった<3 00:00:54 <#kataribe:Hisasi> 十二月ろぐいんした 00:03:46 <#kataribe:Toyolina> 本葛はいいものだ 00:09:08 ! Pikoyan ("ささやき いのり えいしょう おおっと") 00:10:33 + athame__m(~mentalhea@KD182249091243.au-net.ne.jp) to #kataribe 00:12:32 ! athame_m (Ping timeout) 00:34:09 + Saw(~UserID@KD125053007151.ppp-bb.dion.ne.jp) to #kataribe 00:34:22 Mode by QK2_away: #kataribe +o Saw 00:36:48 <#kataribe:Saw> のっす 00:37:43 <#kataribe:MOTOI> どっす 00:49:03 <#kataribe:Toyolina> 吉野いってきたが写真はこんな程度 http://hotaru33v3.blog13.fc2.com/blog-entry-639.html  00:54:54 <#kataribe:Luna> 紅葉観光いいですねぇ 00:55:01 <#kataribe:MOTOI> #さて寝ます、また明日。 00:55:05 MOTOI -> MOTOsleep 00:56:40 ! tatsu114 ("ろくでもない。ほんとろくでもない。") 2011/12/01 01:00:00 01:16:58 + ToyoMBA(~toyomba@7c294a97.i-revonet.jp) to #kataribe 01:17:08 Mode by cokage: #kataribe +o ToyoMBA 01:17:12 <#kataribe:Hisasi> ねよう 01:17:14 <#kataribe:Hisasi> おやう 01:17:17 ! Hisasi ("") 01:18:50 <#kataribe:Toyolina> 乙 01:21:00 <#kataribe:kurov> おれはめをさました 01:25:51 <#kataribe:Saw_i> おあよう 01:41:19 ! lico_TAB (Connection reset by peer) 01:41:31 ! Saw_i (EOF From client) 01:41:31 + lico_TA1(~licorice@next.cokage.ne.jp) to #kataribe 01:41:31 Mode by [dice]: #kataribe +o lico_TA1 2011/12/01 02:00:00 02:02:44 ! MOTOsleep (Ping timeout) 02:02:50 ! Luna (Ping timeout) 02:53:03 <#kataribe:Toyolina> TBSオンデマンド、「けいおん!!」番外編を2日間無料配信 -AV Watch http://av.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/news/20111130_494477.html 2011/12/01 03:00:00 03:15:01 ! athame__m (Ping timeout) 03:25:53 ! Leonald_ (Ping timeout) 03:33:00 ! ToyoMBA (EOF From client) 03:42:00 + athame_m(~mentalhea@KD182249098109.au-net.ne.jp) to #kataribe 2011/12/01 04:00:00 2011/12/01 05:00:00 2011/12/01 06:00:00 06:10:49 + athame__m(~mentalhea@KD182249097243.au-net.ne.jp) to #kataribe 06:15:02 ! athame_m (Ping timeout) 06:20:59 <#kataribe:utako> おはとまほーく 06:53:47 <#kataribe:utako> 12月か 2011/12/01 07:00:00 07:00:01 ! kataribe ("auto down") 07:05:47 + AizawaYu2(~Yu_Aizawa@i114-185-176-123.s05.a012.ap.plala.or.jp) to #kataribe 07:07:00 + kataribe(~kataribe@sv1.trpg.net) to #kataribe 07:07:07 Mode by cokage: #kataribe +o kataribe 07:07:07 Mode by [dice]: #kataribe +o kataribe 07:22:43 fukaFuton -> fukaNeoki 07:32:06 <#kataribe:utako> ぼちぼちいってきまっつ 07:32:18 ! utako ("TakIRC") 2011/12/01 08:00:00 08:03:11 ! Saw ("See you...") 08:04:02 + Saw_i(~Saw_i@KD125053007151.ppp-bb.dion.ne.jp) to #kataribe 08:06:13 MorisDEAD -> Morris 08:06:19 <#kataribe:Morris> 軽く寝坊 08:06:58 <#kataribe:Morris> 寝落ちてた……部屋のライトがつきっぱなしで本が横に落ちてた 08:07:28 <#kataribe:Morris> 寝る前の目薬って効果あったんだなー 08:07:37 <#kataribe:Morris> つけないで寝たら目がつらい 08:10:55 ! Saw_i (Ping timeout) 08:14:13 + lico_TA2(~licorice@s516238.xgsspn.imtp.tachikawa.spmode.ne.jp) to #kataribe 08:15:07 + Saw_i(~Saw_i@pw126216231232.52.tss.panda-world.ne.jp) to #kataribe 08:15:12 ! lico_TA1 (Ping timeout) 08:15:17 Morris -> MorisWork 08:15:23 <#kataribe:MorisWork> いてきま 08:17:15 fukaNeoki -> fukaWork 08:24:45 ! lico_TA2 (Ping timeout) 08:28:07 + lico_TA3(~licorice@s516238.xgsspn.imtp.tachikawa.spmode.ne.jp) to #kataribe 08:30:49 ! Saw_i ("Leaving") 08:37:51 + Saw_i(~Saw_i@pw126216231232.52.tss.panda-world.ne.jp) to #kataribe 08:38:56 <#kataribe:Saw_i> オハヨー 08:39:24 ! lico_TA3 (Ping timeout) 08:40:14 + lico_TA4(~licorice@s516238.xgsspn.imtp.tachikawa.spmode.ne.jp) to #kataribe 08:41:27 + kisi_work(+dad8b1aa@ircip2.mibbit.com) to #kataribe 08:48:03 ! lico_TA4 (Ping timeout) 08:56:15 + Luna(~luna@219-117-185-245.cnc.jp) to #kataribe 2011/12/01 09:00:00 09:00:00 ! kataribe ("auto down") 09:00:01 ! [dice] ("auto down") 09:00:04 + [dice](~cokage@sv.cokage.ne.jp) to #kataribe 09:00:12 Mode by cokage: #kataribe +o [dice] 09:03:12 + kataribe(~kataribe@sv1.trpg.net) to #kataribe 09:03:18 Mode by [dice]: #kataribe +o kataribe 09:03:18 Mode by cokage: #kataribe +o kataribe 09:11:31 + athame_m(~mentalhea@KD182249094055.au-net.ne.jp) to #kataribe 09:15:23 ! athame__m (Ping timeout) 09:16:46 ! Saw_i (EOF From client) 09:47:50 Yu_Aizawa -> Yu_AFK 09:48:14 AizawaYu2 -> YuAFK2 09:54:19 + hir0(~sample@p2233-ipbf405osakakita.osaka.ocn.ne.jp) to #kataribe 2011/12/01 10:00:00 10:00:00 [!] auto down 2011/12/01 10:00:01 10:00:01 [!] ./madoka.rc updated 10:00:01 [!] Start: madoka 4.2.10 with perl 5.10.1 10:00:02 [!] cannot connect: irc.cre.ne.jp(6667) 10:00:02 plugin new: ./plugin/yuurii/convnick.mpi 10:00:02 plugin new: ./plugin/yuurii/autoans.mpi 10:00:02 plugin new: ./plugin/yuurii/ans_action.mpi 10:00:02 plugin new: ./plugin/yuurii/bot.mpi 10:00:02 plugin new: ./plugin/yuurii/autoaction.mpi 10:00:02 plugin new: ./plugin/yuurii/.botrceuc 10:00:02 plugin new: ./plugin/yuurii/.botrcjis 10:00:02 plugin new: ./plugin/yuurii/dengon.mpi 10:01:33 [!] server: irc.trpg.net(6667) 10:02:44 + kata_cre(~kata@ns.cre.ne.jp) to #kataribe 10:02:46 Mode by kataribe: #kataribe +o kata_cre 10:36:34 ! Luna (Ping timeout) 10:36:44 + Luna(~luna@219-117-185-245.cnc.jp) to #kataribe 10:43:07 ! Luna (Ping timeout) 10:44:17 + Luna(~luna@219-117-185-245.cnc.jp) to #kataribe 10:51:19 ! Luna (Ping timeout) 10:52:31 + Luna(~luna@219-117-185-245.cnc.jp) to #kataribe 10:58:49 ! Luna (Ping timeout) 2011/12/01 11:00:00 11:14:33 + lico_TAB(~licorice@s515239.xgsspn.imtp.tachikawa.spmode.ne.jp) to #kataribe 11:35:08 + mjolnir(~mjolnir@e0109-49-132-242-134.uqwimax.jp) to #kataribe 2011/12/01 12:00:00 12:05:10 ! lico_work ("Leaving...") 12:07:11 + lico_work(~lico_work@premium208-223.across.or.jp) to #kataribe 12:08:32 <#kataribe:mjolnir> おはようございました。まる 12:12:17 + athame__m(~mentalhea@KD182249091072.au-net.ne.jp) to #kataribe 12:14:03 <#kataribe:asahiya> こんにちは 12:14:59 ! athame_m (Ping timeout) 12:27:22 <#kataribe:Toyolina> おはようございました 12:47:06 + utako(~utako@KD106175255242.ppp-bb.dion.ne.jp) to #kataribe 12:52:56 <#kataribe:utako> tadaimo- 12:56:22 + Luna(~luna@219-117-185-245.cnc.jp) to #kataribe 2011/12/01 13:00:00 13:24:58 <#kataribe:utako> お昼が足りぬ(´・ω・`) 13:25:08 <#kataribe:utako> やけに腹減るなぁ 13:33:07 <#kataribe:TK-Sleep> 丁度手元に醤油が浸ったティッシュが 13:33:13 <#kataribe:TK-Sleep> (実話 13:33:21 TK-Sleep -> TK-Leana 13:35:03 <#kataribe:utako> 昔あったね。ティッシュに調味料つけて食べるティッシュダイエットみたいなの 13:35:41 <#kataribe:kisi_work> よくやるなぁそんなこと……ティッシュダイエット 13:35:46 <#kataribe:TK-Leana> ガム飲み込むより消化に悪そうですね 13:36:38 <#kataribe:utako> 詰まりそうだよね 13:36:52 <#kataribe:utako> 掻っ捌かれた時におなかの中がティッシュだらけとか 13:36:55 <#kataribe:kisi_work> まぁ、食べてもせいぜいお腹壊すくらいだろうけど 13:37:32 <#kataribe:utako> クラゲとビニール間違えて飲み込む海がめ状態 13:46:44 ! fukaNote7 (Connection reset by peer) 13:46:44 ! fukaWork (Connection reset by peer) 13:47:08 + fukaNote7(~fukanju@FL1-111-169-126-190.oky.mesh.ad.jp) to #kataribe 13:47:16 Mode by TK-Leana: #kataribe +o fukaNote7 13:47:28 + fukaWork(~fukanju@FL1-111-169-126-190.oky.mesh.ad.jp) to #kataribe 13:47:37 Mode by Toyolina: #kataribe +o fukaWork 2011/12/01 14:00:00 14:18:40 ! fukaNote7 (Connection reset by peer) 14:19:55 + fukaNote7(~fukanju@FL1-111-169-126-190.oky.mesh.ad.jp) to #kataribe 14:20:03 Mode by fukaWork: #kataribe +o fukaNote7 14:37:35 ! athame__m (Ping timeout) 14:48:01 ! fukaWork (Connection reset by peer) 14:48:01 ! fukaNote7 (Connection reset by peer) 14:48:39 + fukaNote7(~fukanju@FL1-111-169-126-190.oky.mesh.ad.jp) to #kataribe 14:48:41 + fukaWork(~fukanju@FL1-111-169-126-190.oky.mesh.ad.jp) to #kataribe 14:48:50 Mode by TK-Leana: #kataribe +oo fukaNote7 fukaWork 2011/12/01 15:00:00 15:44:00 asahiya -> asahiyAFK 2011/12/01 16:00:00 16:33:23 + ToyoMBA_(~toyomba@KD182249059129.au-net.ne.jp) to #kataribe 16:40:29 asahiyAFK -> asahiya 16:48:48 ! hir0 ("CHOCOA") 16:55:29 ! utako (Connection reset by peer) 16:56:20 + utako(~utako@KD106175255242.ppp-bb.dion.ne.jp) to #kataribe 2011/12/01 17:00:00 17:11:05 TK-Leana -> TK-Away 17:19:56 ! ToyoMBA_ (EOF From client) 17:19:57 ! fukaNote7 (Connection reset by peer) 17:19:57 ! fukaWork (Connection reset by peer) 17:21:06 + fukaNote7(~fukanju@FL1-111-169-126-190.oky.mesh.ad.jp) to #kataribe 17:21:07 + fukaWork(~fukanju@FL1-111-169-126-190.oky.mesh.ad.jp) to #kataribe 17:21:13 Mode by Toyolina: #kataribe +oo fukaNote7 fukaWork 17:29:45 + tatsu114(~tatsu114@catv-53-119-006.tees.ne.jp) to #kataribe 17:29:57 Mode by QK2_away: #kataribe +o tatsu114 17:46:25 ! fukaNote7 (Connection reset by peer) 17:46:25 ! fukaWork (Connection reset by peer) 17:47:48 + fukaNote7(~fukanju@FL1-111-169-126-190.oky.mesh.ad.jp) to #kataribe 17:47:50 + fukaWork(~fukanju@FL1-111-169-126-190.oky.mesh.ad.jp) to #kataribe 17:48:00 Mode by TK-Away: #kataribe +oo fukaNote7 fukaWork 17:53:37 ! lico_TAB ("") 2011/12/01 18:00:00 18:16:37 ! fukaNote7 (Connection reset by peer) 18:17:00 + lico_TAB(~licorice@p121.net219126103.tokai.or.jp) to #kataribe 18:18:34 + fukaNote7(~fukanju@FL1-111-169-126-190.oky.mesh.ad.jp) to #kataribe 18:18:42 Mode by fukaWork: #kataribe +o fukaNote7 18:19:24 ! fukaWork (Connection reset by peer) 18:20:38 + fukaWork(~fukanju@FL1-111-169-126-190.oky.mesh.ad.jp) to #kataribe 18:20:53 Mode by QK2_away: #kataribe +o fukaWork 18:20:59 Mode by Toyolina: #kataribe +o fukaWork 18:23:11 TK-Away -> TK-Leana 18:23:47 + Pikoyan(~Pikoyan@p3236-ipbf905funabasi.chiba.ocn.ne.jp) to #kataribe 18:25:05 + meltdown(~meltdown@wd55.AFL17.vectant.ne.jp) to #kataribe 18:25:39 + ToyoMBA(~toyomba@7c294a97.i-revonet.jp) to #kataribe 18:25:46 Mode by cokage: #kataribe +o ToyoMBA 18:34:58 ! YuAFK2 ("それではノシ") 18:46:39 ! fukaWork (Connection reset by peer) 18:46:40 ! fukaNote7 (Connection reset by peer) 18:47:18 + fukaNote7(~fukanju@FL1-111-169-126-190.oky.mesh.ad.jp) to #kataribe 18:47:20 + fukaWork(~fukanju@FL1-111-169-126-190.oky.mesh.ad.jp) to #kataribe 18:47:29 Mode by Toyolina: #kataribe +oo fukaNote7 fukaWork 2011/12/01 19:00:00 19:16:21 ! fukaWork (Connection reset by peer) 19:16:21 ! fukaNote7 (Connection reset by peer) 19:18:04 + fukaNote7(~fukanju@FL1-111-169-126-190.oky.mesh.ad.jp) to #kataribe 19:18:05 + fukaWork(~fukanju@FL1-111-169-126-190.oky.mesh.ad.jp) to #kataribe 19:18:16 Mode by Toyolina: #kataribe +oo fukaNote7 fukaWork 19:19:35 ! fukaNote7 (Connection reset by peer) 19:20:25 + fukaNote7(~fukanju@FL1-111-169-126-190.oky.mesh.ad.jp) to #kataribe 19:20:38 Mode by QK2_away: #kataribe +o fukaNote7 19:21:36 <#kataribe:kurov> さむいっていう 19:23:48 <#kataribe:kurov> あ。 19:24:03 <#kataribe:kurov> 渋谷経由だったからungo見てこようと思ってたのに忘れていたな 19:24:06 <#kataribe:kurov> いまからいくかのう 19:24:17 <#kataribe:kurov> あしたにするかのう 19:28:38 <#kataribe:kurov> さむいのでよそう 19:30:47 <#kataribe:Toyolina> あしたからがんばる 19:30:57 + athame_m(~mentalhea@KD182249138245.au-net.ne.jp) to #kataribe 19:34:58 <#kataribe:kurov> むしろ今日がんばって明日はダラダラする 19:35:10 <#kataribe:kurov> かえってそくねる 19:36:05 ! fukaNote7 (Connection reset by peer) 19:36:59 + fukaNote7(~fukanju@FL1-111-169-126-190.oky.mesh.ad.jp) to #kataribe 19:37:09 Mode by fukaWork: #kataribe +o fukaNote7 19:37:21 TK-Leana -> TK-Away 19:38:00 + ToyoEVO(~toyolina@7c294a97.i-revonet.jp) to #kataribe 19:38:02 Mode by kata_cre: #kataribe +o ToyoEVO 19:38:41 <#kataribe:ToyoEVO> アップデートかかってた 19:38:44 fukaWork -> fukaFuton 19:42:37 <#kataribe:utako> とよりんがエヴォってる 19:46:59 ! fukaFuton (Connection reset by peer) 19:46:59 ! fukaNote7 (Connection reset by peer) 19:47:28 + fukaNote7(~fukanju@FL1-111-169-126-190.oky.mesh.ad.jp) to #kataribe 19:47:37 Mode by Toyolina: #kataribe +o fukaNote7 19:48:51 + fukaFuton(~fukanju@FL1-111-169-126-190.oky.mesh.ad.jp) to #kataribe 19:49:00 Mode by Toyolina: #kataribe +o fukaFuton 19:50:58 ! fukaNote7 (Connection reset by peer) 19:51:44 ! fukaFuton (Connection reset by peer) 19:51:51 + fukaNote7(~fukanju@FL1-111-169-126-190.oky.mesh.ad.jp) to #kataribe 19:52:04 Mode by QK2_away: #kataribe +o fukaNote7 19:53:15 + fukaFuton(~fukanju@FL1-111-169-126-190.oky.mesh.ad.jp) to #kataribe 19:53:22 ! fukaNote7 (Connection reset by peer) 19:53:30 Mode by QK2_away: #kataribe +o fukaFuton 19:53:31 Mode by Toyolina: #kataribe +o fukaFuton 19:54:13 + fukaNote7(~fukanju@FL1-111-169-126-190.oky.mesh.ad.jp) to #kataribe 19:54:24 Mode by TK-Away: #kataribe +o fukaNote7 19:55:18 Mode by fukaFuton: #kataribe +o fukaNote7 19:55:30 ! fukaNote7 (Connection reset by peer) 19:56:35 + fukaNote7(~fukanju@FL1-111-169-126-190.oky.mesh.ad.jp) to #kataribe 19:56:43 Mode by fukaFuton: #kataribe +o fukaNote7 19:57:05 + Leonald(~Leonald@softbank221098018157.bbtec.net) to #kataribe 19:57:59 ! lico_TAB ("") 19:58:00 ! fukaNote7 (Connection reset by peer) 19:58:00 ! fukaFuton (Connection reset by peer) 19:58:57 + fukaNote7(~fukanju@FL1-111-169-126-190.oky.mesh.ad.jp) to #kataribe 19:59:03 Mode by TK-Away: #kataribe +o fukaNote7 19:59:40 + fukaFuton(~fukanju@FL1-111-169-126-190.oky.mesh.ad.jp) to #kataribe 19:59:50 Mode by Toyolina: #kataribe +o fukaFuton 2011/12/01 20:00:00 20:02:06 ! fukaFuton (Connection reset by peer) 20:02:07 ! fukaNote7 (Connection reset by peer) 20:03:21 + fukaNote7(~fukanju@FL1-111-169-126-190.oky.mesh.ad.jp) to #kataribe 20:03:33 Mode by QK2_away: #kataribe +o fukaNote7 20:04:04 + fukaFuton(~fukanju@FL1-111-169-126-190.oky.mesh.ad.jp) to #kataribe 20:04:19 Mode by QK2_away: #kataribe +o fukaFuton 20:06:15 TK-Away -> TK-Leana 20:06:15 ! fukaNote7 (Connection reset by peer) 20:07:44 + fukaNote7(~fukanju@FL1-111-169-126-190.oky.mesh.ad.jp) to #kataribe 20:07:45 ! fukaFuton (Connection reset by peer) 20:07:57 Mode by QK2_away: #kataribe +o fukaNote7 20:08:28 + fukaFuton(~fukanju@FL1-111-169-126-190.oky.mesh.ad.jp) to #kataribe 20:08:37 Mode by Toyolina: #kataribe +o fukaFuton 20:09:02 Mode by fukaNote7: #kataribe +o fukaFuton 20:13:40 ! aokaze ("Leaving...") 20:17:41 ! fukaFuton (Connection reset by peer) 20:17:41 ! fukaNote7 (Connection reset by peer) 20:18:13 + fukaNote7(~fukanju@FL1-111-169-126-190.oky.mesh.ad.jp) to #kataribe 20:18:26 Mode by QK2_away: #kataribe +o fukaNote7 20:18:57 + fukaFuton(~fukanju@FL1-111-169-126-190.oky.mesh.ad.jp) to #kataribe 20:19:12 Mode by QK2_away: #kataribe +o fukaFuton 20:22:03 + aokaze(~aokaze@p10170-ipngn401morioka.iwate.ocn.ne.jp) to #kataribe 20:22:51 ! ToyoMBA (EOF From client) 20:24:05 + ToyoMBA(~toyomba@7c294a97.i-revonet.jp) to #kataribe 20:24:13 Mode by cokage: #kataribe +o ToyoMBA 20:26:11 + MOTOI(~MOTOI@219-117-185-245.cnc.jp) to #kataribe 20:26:49 <#kataribe:MOTOI> まいどですの。 20:27:33 ! kisi_work ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") 20:28:23 <#kataribe:utako> どすー 20:30:42 <#kataribe:TK-Leana> おいす 20:36:00 ! fukaFuton (Connection reset by peer) 20:36:00 ! fukaNote7 (Connection reset by peer) 20:36:48 + fukaNote7(~fukanju@FL1-111-169-126-190.oky.mesh.ad.jp) to #kataribe 20:37:01 Mode by QK2_away: #kataribe +o fukaNote7 20:37:35 + fukaFuton(~fukanju@FL1-111-169-126-190.oky.mesh.ad.jp) to #kataribe 20:37:42 Mode by Toyolina: #kataribe +o fukaFuton 20:38:31 ! fukaNote7 (Connection reset by peer) 20:39:10 + fukaNote7(~fukanju@FL1-111-169-126-190.oky.mesh.ad.jp) to #kataribe 20:39:23 Mode by QK2_away: #kataribe +o fukaNote7 20:39:53 ! fukaNote7 (Connection reset by peer) 20:39:53 ! fukaFuton (Connection reset by peer) 20:40:32 + fukaFuton(~fukanju@FL1-111-169-126-190.oky.mesh.ad.jp) to #kataribe 20:40:47 Mode by QK2_away: #kataribe +o fukaFuton 20:41:32 + fukaNote7(~fukanju@FL1-111-169-126-190.oky.mesh.ad.jp) to #kataribe 20:41:44 Mode by Toyolina: #kataribe +o fukaNote7 20:42:56 Mode by fukaFuton: #kataribe +o fukaNote7 20:43:25 ! fukaFuton (Connection reset by peer) 20:43:25 ! fukaNote7 (Connection reset by peer) 20:43:59 + fukaNote7(~fukanju@FL1-111-169-126-190.oky.mesh.ad.jp) to #kataribe 20:44:09 Mode by TK-Leana: #kataribe +o fukaNote7 20:44:55 + fukaFuton(~fukanju@FL1-111-169-126-190.oky.mesh.ad.jp) to #kataribe 20:45:06 Mode by Toyolina: #kataribe +o fukaFuton 20:47:59 ! fukaFuton (Connection reset by peer) 20:47:59 ! fukaNote7 (Connection reset by peer) 20:48:23 + fukaNote7(~fukanju@FL1-111-169-126-190.oky.mesh.ad.jp) to #kataribe 20:48:32 Mode by TK-Leana: #kataribe +o fukaNote7 20:49:19 + fukaFuton(~fukanju@FL1-111-169-126-190.oky.mesh.ad.jp) to #kataribe 20:49:31 Mode by fukaNote7: #kataribe +o fukaFuton 2011/12/01 21:00:00 21:04:38 ! fukaFuton (Connection reset by peer) 21:05:53 + fukaFuton(~fukanju@FL1-111-169-126-190.oky.mesh.ad.jp) to #kataribe 21:05:53 ! fukaNote7 (Connection reset by peer) 21:05:58 Mode by Toyolina: #kataribe +o fukaFuton 21:06:58 + fukaNote7(~fukanju@FL1-111-169-126-190.oky.mesh.ad.jp) to #kataribe 21:07:11 Mode by QK2_away: #kataribe +o fukaNote7 21:10:44 ! fukaFuton (Connection reset by peer) 21:10:44 ! fukaNote7 (Connection reset by peer) 21:11:22 + fukaNote7(~fukanju@FL1-111-169-126-190.oky.mesh.ad.jp) to #kataribe 21:11:35 Mode by QK2_away: #kataribe +o fukaNote7 21:12:18 + fukaFuton(~fukanju@FL1-111-169-126-190.oky.mesh.ad.jp) to #kataribe 21:12:32 Mode by fukaNote7: #kataribe +o fukaFuton 21:16:15 ! fukaFuton (Connection reset by peer) 21:16:15 ! fukaNote7 (Connection reset by peer) 21:16:42 + fukaFuton(~fukanju@FL1-111-169-126-190.oky.mesh.ad.jp) to #kataribe 21:16:57 Mode by QK2_away: #kataribe +o fukaFuton 21:17:47 + fukaNote7(~fukanju@FL1-111-169-126-190.oky.mesh.ad.jp) to #kataribe 21:17:58 Mode by Toyolina: #kataribe +o fukaNote7 21:31:34 + athame__m(~mentalhea@KD182249127254.au-net.ne.jp) to #kataribe 21:33:21 ! athame_m (Ping timeout) 21:33:33 ! fukaFuton (Connection reset by peer) 21:33:33 ! fukaNote7 (Connection reset by peer) 21:34:28 + fukaNote7(~fukanju@FL1-111-169-126-190.oky.mesh.ad.jp) to #kataribe 21:34:41 Mode by QK2_away: #kataribe +o fukaNote7 21:35:17 + fukaFuton(~fukanju@FL1-111-169-126-190.oky.mesh.ad.jp) to #kataribe 21:35:32 Mode by QK2_away: #kataribe +o fukaFuton 21:36:31 ! Toyolina (Ping timeout) 21:39:55 ! fukaFuton (Connection reset by peer) 21:39:56 ! fukaNote7 (Connection reset by peer) 21:40:53 + fukaNote7(~fukanju@FL1-111-169-126-190.oky.mesh.ad.jp) to #kataribe 21:41:04 Mode by QK2_away: #kataribe +o fukaNote7 21:41:43 + fukaFuton(~fukanju@FL1-111-169-126-190.oky.mesh.ad.jp) to #kataribe 21:41:55 Mode by QK2_away: #kataribe +o fukaFuton 21:41:58 Mode by fukaNote7: #kataribe +o fukaFuton 21:44:01 ! fukaNote7 (Connection reset by peer) 21:45:17 + fukaNote7(~fukanju@FL1-111-169-126-190.oky.mesh.ad.jp) to #kataribe 21:45:28 Mode by QK2_away: #kataribe +o fukaNote7 21:45:33 + Hisasi(~hisasi@s3.84.247.220.fls.vectant.ne.jp) to #kataribe 21:46:08 <#kataribe:ToyoMBA> こんばんは 21:46:25 <#kataribe:Hisasi> おういえ 21:46:33 <#kataribe:Hisasi> 今日も友人の見舞いにいってきますたよ 21:46:46 <#kataribe:Hisasi> 代理で買ったDVDをお届けに 21:47:18 <#kataribe:Hisasi> 外出許可出てたんでそのままそばにある靖国神社おまいりして近場の美術館散策してきたよ 21:47:31 <#kataribe:mjolnir> こんばんですー 21:47:31 <#kataribe:Hisasi> 帰りに池袋ビッカメよったらなぜかマリオカートがカバンにはいってたわけですが 21:47:38 <#kataribe:ToyoMBA> 換えて良かったですね! 21:47:47 <#kataribe:Hisasi> あれだね電車で袋あけて早速プレイする姿がね 21:47:51 <#kataribe:Hisasi> 小学生レベルです! 21:48:12 MorisWork -> Morris 21:48:16 <#kataribe:Morris> #寒い 21:48:47 <#kataribe:ToyoMBA> うけるw 21:49:18 <#kataribe:Hisasi> こっそり袋破ろうとしてもうまくあけられなくて 21:49:29 <#kataribe:Hisasi> めんどくせぇと袋あけて思いっきりビニールびりびりしてました 21:49:44 <#kataribe:Hisasi> 向かいに座ってたにーちゃんの視線なんか気にしませんでした! 21:51:05 <#kataribe:ToyoMBA> ^^ 21:52:19 + Toyolina(~Toyolina@7c294a97.i-revonet.jp) to #kataribe 21:52:22 Mode by kata_cre: #kataribe +o Toyolina 21:54:23 ! licorice ("Leaving...") 21:57:39 <#kataribe:Hisasi> そういえばお見舞いに行って病院のロビーで待ち合わせてから出かけたんですが 21:58:08 <#kataribe:Hisasi> その間に3DSのすれ違いで「君は何科?」というメッセのMiiがいました 21:58:22 <#kataribe:Hisasi> 入院患者さんとすれ違ったようだ 2011/12/01 22:00:00 22:02:56 <#kataribe:Morris> 猫科で 22:07:44 + licorice(~licorice@home.cokage.ne.jp) to #kataribe 22:07:46 Mode by kata_cre: #kataribe +o licorice 22:18:04 ! fukaFuton (Connection reset by peer) 22:18:33 + fukaFuton(~fukanju@FL1-111-169-126-190.oky.mesh.ad.jp) to #kataribe 22:18:46 Mode by QK2_away: #kataribe +o fukaFuton 22:43:32 <#kataribe:utako> もどり 22:43:47 <#kataribe:TK-Leana> おかー 22:46:26 ! fukaFuton (Connection reset by peer) 22:47:17 + fukaFuton(~fukanju@FL1-111-169-126-190.oky.mesh.ad.jp) to #kataribe 22:47:30 Mode by QK2_away: #kataribe +o fukaFuton 22:54:14 ! meltdown ("皆様に「砂漠の風」のあらんことを") 2011/12/01 23:00:00 23:14:39 <#kataribe:kurov> なんまんだぶ 23:26:07 Morris -> MorrisNY 23:30:02 Yaduka -> Yad_Sleep 23:37:43 + lico_TAB(~licorice@p063.net219126102.tokai.or.jp) to #kataribe 23:46:46 ! fukaFuton (Connection reset by peer) 23:46:46 ! fukaNote7 (Connection reset by peer) 23:47:18 + fukaNote7(~fukanju@FL1-111-169-126-190.oky.mesh.ad.jp) to #kataribe 23:47:29 Mode by QK2_away: #kataribe +o fukaNote7 23:48:28 + fukaFuton(~fukanju@FL1-111-169-126-190.oky.mesh.ad.jp) to #kataribe 23:48:41 Mode by QK2_away: #kataribe +o fukaFuton 2011/12/02 00:00:00 end