語り部IRCログ #WP 2002-05-15


過去ログを示すのにはHTML版の語り部IRCログ #WP 2002-05-15をご活用くださいませ。

2002/05/15 00:00:00
00:19:48 + gombe(~gombe@zaq3dc06cf0.zaq.ne.jp) to #WP
00:22:45 ! soutou (海賊)
00:57:56 ! gombe (Leaving..)
2002/05/15 01:00:00
01:06:04 ! Kakeru (Leaving..)
01:30:06 ! AMON (民衆 :「おお、神々しい(涙」(希望))
01:36:21 + MOTOI(~motoi@eAc1Acj077.tky.mesh.ad.jp) to #WP
01:54:34 MOTOI -> MOTOchuhi
2002/05/15 02:00:00
02:36:30 MOTOchuhi -> MOTOsleep
2002/05/15 03:00:00
03:23:59 ! Ji-GUY (おちやす)
2002/05/15 04:00:00
2002/05/15 05:00:00
05:36:26 fukaSleep -> fukaNeoki
05:49:26 sf -> sf_sleep
2002/05/15 06:00:00
2002/05/15 05:59:30
2002/05/15 06:00:00
06:40:13 fukaNeoki -> fukaBath
06:48:45 fukaBath -> fukanju
2002/05/15 07:00:00
07:00:18 + kataribe(~kataribe@sv.trpg.net) to #WP
07:05:44 fukanju -> fukaZaway
07:06:34 MOTOsleep -> MOTOI
07:07:52 ! Ball_Nlog (由摩:「私って……主婦?」)
07:38:38 fukaLaway -> fukaLabo
07:50:55 kurow -> krw_away
2002/05/15 08:00:00
2002/05/15 08:00:11
08:00:15 + kata_cre(kataribe@ns.cre.ne.jp) to #WP
08:10:12 + Kakeru(Kakeru@pd5fd63.iwatnt01.ap.so-net.ne.jp) to #WP
08:43:47 fukaLabo -> fukaOPR
2002/05/15 09:00:00
09:00:15 + kataribe(~kataribe@sv.trpg.net) to #WP
09:56:39 ! killeep (再起動)
09:58:02 + killeep(~killist@pddd560.tkyoac00.ap.so-net.ne.jp) to #WP
09:59:25 killeep -> kill-tea
2002/05/15 10:00:00
2002/05/15 10:00:10
10:00:14 + kata_cre(kataribe@ns.cre.ne.jp) to #WP
10:05:29 ! Kakeru (Leaving..)
10:39:29 + Namitaki(^mazkara@tomato.m-net.ne.jp) to #WP
2002/05/15 11:00:00
2002/05/15 12:00:00
12:01:01 ! MOTOI (史雄:「あと一点が…」)
2002/05/15 13:00:00
2002/05/15 14:00:00
14:08:31 sf_sleep -> sf
14:28:04 + fukaLog98(~fukanju@st1.cac.med.kyoto-u.ac.jp) to #WP
14:37:46 kill-tea -> killeat
2002/05/15 15:00:00
15:00:49 killeat -> killist
2002/05/15 16:00:00
16:36:33 killist -> kill-rag
16:42:27 + killeep(~killist@pddcb1a.tkyoac00.ap.so-net.ne.jp) to #WP
2002/05/15 17:00:00
17:57:16 killeep -> killist
2002/05/15 18:00:00
2002/05/15 19:00:00
19:36:07 + Ball_log(~ballmk-2@p1097-ipad01hodogaya.kanagawa.ocn.ne.jp) to #WP
19:39:59 krw_away -> kurow
2002/05/15 20:00:00
20:11:36 kurow -> krw_eat
20:20:42 krw_eat -> kurow
2002/05/15 21:00:00
21:48:06 fukaOPR -> fukaLabo
2002/05/15 22:00:00
22:42:34 + AMON(~iagant@d123.GmiyagiFL1.vectant.ne.jp) to #WP
22:49:04 + soutou(~soutou@YahooBB218129208077.bbtec.net) to #WP
22:57:00 + Kakeru(Kakeru@pd5fd40.iwatnt01.ap.so-net.ne.jp) to #WP
22:57:55 killist -> killeep
2002/05/15 23:00:00
23:31:03 soutou -> sou_sake
23:54:45 + Ji-GUY(~ji-guy@t01-84d83b.soka.pop.isao.net) to #WP
2002/05/16 00:00:01 end