語り部IRCログ #PS 1999-05-28


過去ログを示すのにはHTML版の語り部IRCログ #PS 1999-05-28をご活用くださいませ。

1999/05/28 00:00:01
[izuguuu] かけるくん、がんばれ
[izuguuu] そんな難しいことは聞いてないぞ、おいらも
[Kakeru] ふみふみ
[izuguuu] ぐぅ
[Kakeru] ところで、私はなにをがんばればいいのだろう(笑)
[sf] さあ
[izuguuu] おいらの質問なんか、合いの手だぞ(爆)
[Kakeru] ここは2人でがんばって
[izuguuu] #いいかげんねろ <自分
[Kakeru] 古谷さんにPSワールドガイド完璧版をだしてもらう(笑)
[sf] 質問がんばれ〜
[Kakeru] あはははは
[Kakeru] うまく質問できる人って貴重だよね〜
[Kakeru] おんだい呼ばれているぞ<kataribe
00:28:04 + Kakeru1(~KakeruAoz@p84ec45.mro2.ap.so-net.ne.jp) to #PS
00:29:10 Kakeru1 -> Kakeru
1999/05/28 01:00:00
1999/05/28 02:00:00
02:27:17 + T-Sasami(~T-Sasami@x02-196.kobe.highway.ne.jp) to #PS
02:29:35 ! Kakeru (またどこかの並列世界で……)
1999/05/28 03:00:00
1999/05/28 04:00:00
04:04:00 - T-Sasami from #PS (T-Sasami)
04:53:48 + Mauritz(Mauritz@md46905e3.utfors.se) to #PS
[Mauritz] Is there someone here?
[Mauritz] HHallo!!!!!!!!
[Mauritz] What!
[sf] hello
[Mauritz] sf Hello!
[Mauritz] Sf means what?
[sf] initial
[sf] Furutani Shun-ichi
[Mauritz] Perheps for you name...
[Mauritz] Were do you are?
[Mauritz] Sf were did you wnet?
[Mauritz] went...sorry
[Mauritz] Perheps some other time...
1999/05/28 05:00:00
[sf] I am a Japanese. I am maintaining this server.
[Mauritz] i'm from Sweden and this is the first time i work with
[Mauritz] ircle...
[Mauritz] I'm more familier with mirc but because I have a
[Mauritz] macintosh it's impossible to join there.
[Mauritz] Can you give me some tips about the ircle if i would
[sf] Sorry, I'm WindowsNT and Linux user.
[Mauritz] Thank you anyway...
[Mauritz] Are you a student or what?
[Mauritz] Bye the way whats your time over there?
[sf] I'm Internet Service Provider.
[Mauritz] I'm a criminology but i work as a teacher for the moment.
[sf] (only , person who loves roleplayng game )
[sf] I am a Master of Science, took it with computer science .
[Mauritz] I see.
[Mauritz] Whats the chanel name means PS?
[sf] "PS" is roleplaing world setting.
[sf] ... roleplaing game world setting.
[Mauritz] BI have one roleplay but i haven't used it... In swedish the name of the game is "Drakar och demoner"
[Mauritz] My student are interssting in roleplays and they started to play the cards called "Magic"? Its seems
[Mauritz] very expensive to have cards from the first edition.
[sf] "MAGIC" is published also in Japanese.
[Mauritz] Do you mind if i ask you were in Japan you live?
[Mauritz] Sf were did you went?
[sf] Sorry, I am not good to speak English.
[Mauritz] it's okey.
[Mauritz] My cousin lived in Japan for five years.
[sf] He where is he living? I am living in Nara.
[Mauritz] She lived in Tokyo.
[Mauritz] In front of me i have i map of Japan and i can see that Osaka is close to you.
[Mauritz] How big is Nara?
[sf] Nara is old capital 1200 years ago.
[Mauritz] How many people?
[Mauritz] By the way i'm living in a town called \x{fffd}rebro, its in the middle of sweden. We have about 110.000 people.
[sf] Population of Nara-shi is 350,000 people. (shi = city)
[sf] but I am living in the city of the suburbs. Nara Pref. Kashiba-shi .
[sf] Population of Kasiba-shi is 50,000 people.
[sf] It's small city.
[Mauritz] Have you went to scholl there all the time or what?`
[sf] # "ヨ" is not ASCII code.
[sf] It was taking 2 hours, to Kobe-shi.
[Mauritz] # "$B%h(B" is not ASCII code. What's that?
[sf] # This server is mainly Japanese. Laten1 code is not able.
[Mauritz] I don't know if I understood, what you mean with laten1 code is not able?
[Mauritz] Never mind...
[sf] # Request charset=US-ASCII
[sf] we can use alphabet(A to Z) only.
[Mauritz] Sorry but i have to quit if you like you can send me I e-mail: mauritz@hotmail.com
[sf] "By the way i'm living in a town called ?rebro, its in the middle of sweden. We have about 110.000 people."
05:42:01 ! izuguuu (めっちゃ欲しい異能……テレホ時間の繰り上げ)
[sf] ? is net A to Z.
[Mauritz] O
[Mauritz] Orebro with two dots.
[sf] I see.
[sf] that is the name producing district of shoes .
[Mauritz] I'm going to look at pictures
[Mauritz] sorry wrong message...
[Mauritz] Kumla, mayby?
[sf] What is Kumla?
[Mauritz] its i small town closed to orebro.
[Mauritz] I will be back in i few minutes...
[sf] I am scheduled to sleep.
[sf] I tried to check the "Drakar och demoner". Is it resembled "Dungeons and Dragons"?
[Mauritz] KYes it is
[sf] I am very interested in the rolepaling game of Sweden.
[Mauritz] RElly
[Mauritz] Have you heard about live?
[sf] I am loving rolepaling game of Japanese. Once several hundreds time game I played D&D.
[Mauritz] Its when people went out in the forest and plays theater or something like that.
1999/05/28 06:00:00
[Mauritz] Whats the time in Japan?
[Mauritz] I would like to talk to you perheps some other time
[sf] Japanese time is 6:00.
[Mauritz] The time here is 23.08 in the evning...
[Mauritz] Were can i find you if I would like to you some other time, perheps on this chanel or what?
[Mauritz] What is the cannel called TRPG?
[sf] TRPG = Tabletop RPG
[sf] Japanese is talking about TRPG every day in the channel.
[Mauritz] And that means?
[Mauritz] It is a game or what?
[sf] Tabletop RPG = pen & pencil RPG
[Mauritz] I think i understand...?
[sf] It is called to distinguish Computer RPG
[sf] ...
[sf] RPG = role-plaing game
[Mauritz] Sorry, now I understand
[sf] TRPG is something like a "Dungeons and Dragons".
[Mauritz] So what are you doing when you don't sitting in the front of the computer?
[sf] Is it when I am playing RPG? or Job?
[Mauritz] job
[Mauritz] What do you do more "precaisly"?
[sf] My job is an Internet service. I not able to work to undo the computer.
[Mauritz] Have you been working ther for i long time?
[sf] I am during a job in a parallel fashion even the present.
[Mauritz] Sorry but i have to quit. It was very nice to talk with you and mayby i can find you some other time on this channel.
[sf] # I am utilizing translation software. My word may not appear English.
[sf] Will it prepare such a channel that speaks in English?
[sf] For instance, #English .
[sf] (As for other channels Japanese is used )
[Mauritz] Good night from Sweden and have I nice day Furutani Shun-ichi / Mauritz from Sweden
[sf] Good night
[Mauritz] Good night i see you Furutani! /Mauritz
06:23:15 - Mauritz from #PS (Mauritz)
1999/05/28 07:00:00
1999/05/28 08:00:00
1999/05/28 09:00:00
1999/05/28 09:00:12
09:00:15 + kataribe(~kataribe@ns.trpg.net) to #PS
1999/05/28 10:00:00
1999/05/28 11:00:00
1999/05/28 12:00:00
1999/05/28 13:00:00
1999/05/28 14:00:00
1999/05/28 15:00:00
1999/05/28 16:00:00
1999/05/28 17:00:00
1999/05/28 18:00:00
1999/05/28 19:00:00
1999/05/28 20:00:00
20:12:55 sf -> sf_away
1999/05/28 21:00:00
21:56:57 sf_away -> sf
1999/05/28 22:00:00
22:27:46 + Kakeru(~KakeruAoz@ to #PS
22:37:38 + T-Sasami(~T-Sasami@x01-044.kobe.highway.ne.jp) to #PS
[sf] ういーす
[sf] キャラメイクのログ流しました〜
[T-Sasami] よみました〜。
[sf] 整理しただけで追補ナシですけどね〜
[T-Sasami] で、名前だ名前^^;
[sf] んむ
22:44:16 Kakeru -> KakeruEAT
22:44:32 KakeruEAT -> KakeruROM
[T-Sasami] えーと、アンブレア・アムスということでー
[sf] んーと基本的に清音なの〜
[T-Sasami] みゅ^^;
[T-Sasami] じゃアンフレア(笑)
[sf] おっけー
[sf] アンフレアさんよーこそ〜
[T-Sasami] アンフ:「どーも^^男を振り向かせるためならどんな苦労もいとわない女、アンフレア・アムスでーす(笑)」
[sf] あはは
[T-Sasami] アンフ:「趣味は生物の改造でーす(笑)」
[sf] 実験実験〜
[T-Sasami] 技能値18ってなにが作れるんだろう^^;
[sf] んー
[sf] 人間兵器が作れますな(;^^)
[T-Sasami] よし、作ろう(笑)
[sf] 人体実験〜
[sf] # 緑のお母さんより恐いぞ
[T-Sasami] いやいや、才能は使用するために(笑)
[sf] まあ、人間を作るときは作られた存在の気持ちも考えよう〜。できれば(ぐみ)
[T-Sasami] まぁとりあえずゾンビレベルのをボディーガードがわりに使っておこう。
[sf] # ちなみに1on1セッションでは小型の人型人工生命体と"きちんと調べても人間にしかみえない"人造人間がでてきましたの。
22:56:00 + izumimi(~izumi@plk2-2.mahoroba.ne.jp) to #PS
[izumimi] ちゃす
[sf] やは
[izumimi] お題 建築もしくは葬式
[T-Sasami] どもー
[izumimi] どもども
[sf] ささみっちのキャラの煮詰めをしていたのでした
[izumimi] 今日やらないほうをトピックにしておこう
[izumimi] あ、それなら
22:58:01 KakeruROM -> Kakeru
[izumimi] そっち優先で
[izumimi] こっちはそんなに急がないし
[izumimi] でも、書いておいてほしいなぁ
22:59:07 Topic of channel #PS by sf: 語り部:プルートミア物語(全ログ公開) お題:建築・葬式・
[sf] 長すぎたか
[sf] 建築・葬式・成長儀礼・服の素材
[sf] とかが整理の必要があるかなと思ってるのだった
[sf] つりあえず次の議題だけでいーか
1999/05/28 23:00:00
[izumimi] おっけ
23:00:29 Topic of channel #PS by sf: 語り部:プルートミア物語(全ログ公開) 次の検討課題:建築
[sf] つーわけでまあ
[sf] アンフレア嬢になにができるのかだな
[izumimi] #あ、線画(一応)完成ファトラ送ります〜
[T-Sasami] 便利な人間作るのだ、うん。
[izumimi] #げ、ちょっとでかい(汗)<許して
[sf] 人造人間をつれてるのだな
[sf] 知性やなんかをどうするかが難しいところだ
[izumimi] 土偶?
[izumimi] 宝石一個で一応可動
[izumimi] 二個ならかなり賢く
[sf] ちなみに基本的には奴隷制度は否定されてます。これは人手集約型の作業が呪法技術であまり意味がないためです。
[izumimi] 三個なら、普通は勝てない
[T-Sasami] うーん、奴隷かなー
[T-Sasami] 奴隷だなー^^;
[sf] 古ロトスの生命工学でつくるらしーですので
[sf] 空間場工学な土偶とはちがうかとー
[izumimi] ふーん
[sf] まあ、人工だろうが天然だろうが人間っぽいものは人間っぽく扱われるのであった。
[T-Sasami] アンフ:「じゃ人間っぽくなければいいんだ(ぽむ)」
[sf] いいかげんといえばいいかげん
[sf] まーねー
[izumimi] 記憶がリセットされて、ずっと未亡人として生きてきた人……(涙)
[T-Sasami] とりあえずボディーガードがほしいんですわ。
[sf] んむ
[sf] 知性があるかどうかが問題だな
[sf] 命令に応じて殴ったリカバーしたりする程度であれば自己判断能力は不要だろうとか
[T-Sasami] アンフ:「うん、そんなのが欲しいの」
[sf] んむ
[izumimi] #うちのキャラ名前なんだっけ?マシェイ?
[T-Sasami] アンフ:「見かけは筋骨隆々で、頭が機械っぽい感じでー」
[T-Sasami] #単に絵として大男に付き従っていてほしいんだ^^;
[T-Sasami] #でも人間らしくしちゃなんねーんだな^^;
[sf] まあ、知恵の足りない大男といった感じであれこれ命令するくらいなら許容範囲であ
[sf] よくあることだろうし(;^^)
[izumimi] そういう人間雇ったほうがはやいかも……
[sf] マシェイ・エレスですよね>いずみな人のPC
[sf] 自分で作るところが醍醐味なのであ
[izumimi] #さんきゅ>いずみな人ってなんや〜
[T-Sasami] アンフ:「なら…(ちゅいーん、ばりばり、どっかんばっかん)…はい、できた(笑)」
[izumimi] いあ、ボディーガードがいるとそのキャラプレイできるかなと
[T-Sasami] 大男:「むーん(ふごー)」
[izumimi] はっ、ささみちん、ごつい男はプレイしたくないんだね(爆)
[sf] あるいみ、フランケンシュタインの怪物やな
[T-Sasami] うん。
[T-Sasami] もしくはバイオハザードのゾンビ(笑)
[izumimi] いやーん(涙)
[T-Sasami] アンフ:「なんです?私の趣味にけちるけるって言うんですか?(じと(―_―)」
[izumimi] マシェイ:「荷物持ち兼ボディーガードかぁ……まぁ、良いんでは?」
[T-Sasami] アンフ:「な、なんかひっかかるんですけど、まぁいいです。きにしないことにします。…なんでこの機能美っていうか生生しさの良さが解らないかなぁ…ぶつぶつ」
[izumimi] マシェイ:「あ、気に障ったかな……まぁ、言葉が思いつかなかっただけですよ(苦笑)」
[T-Sasami] アンフ:「…うーん、まだ改良の余地があるなぁ…」
[izumimi] #離れたところで座って眺めてる(笑)
[sf] 狭い場所でつかいにくいというデメリットはあると思う(爆)
[T-Sasami] まぁ細かいことは気にしない(笑)
[T-Sasami] ほい、質問です。この技能で人間修理できます?(笑)
[sf] 楽勝〜
[izumimi] ビクトル:「ふんがー」
[T-Sasami] アンフ:「ふっふっふ。みんな怪我しよーねー(笑)」
[sf] ついでに機能強化しときました☆ ってか
[T-Sasami] アンフ:「今なら先着100名さまに、各種ギミックぷれぜんと!」
[T-Sasami] そのとーり(笑)
[T-Sasami] アンフ:「これで君もザベル!もしくはダルシムだっ!(笑)」
[izumimi] いやんだね(笑)
[T-Sasami] アンフ:「え、便利じゃない(まじ)」(笑)
[izumimi] マシェイ:「遠慮しときます(苦笑)」
[T-Sasami] アンフ:「じゃじゃ、体全体とは言わないから、腕…いや指だけでも、ね、ねぇ?(笑)」
[sf] 改造狂:2くらいあげよう
[T-Sasami] アンフ:「わーい(笑)」
1999/05/29 00:00:00 end